To create our own theme we just have to create a new style sheet and specify the values of the parameters to our liking.
CSS variables
fontFamily |
windowBorder |
windowPadding |
Message window
windowBg |
windowWidth * |
windowRadius * |
windowMarginTop * |
windowMarginBottom * |
windowMarginLeft * |
windowMarginRight * |
animationDuration |
animationDelay |
* only effective when the window is positioned in one of the corners |
Window content
titleFontSize |
titleFontWeight |
titleTextColor |
titlePadding |
messageFontSize |
messageFontWeight |
messageTextColor |
messageLineHeight |
messagePadding |
messageLinkColor |
messageLinkDecoration |
messageLinkFontWeight |
buttonsAlign |
buttonsPadding |
btnFontSize |
btnFontWeight |
btnRadius |
btnPadding |
btnMargin |
btnAcceptBg |
btnAcceptBgHover |
btnAcceptTextColor |
btnAcceptBorder |
btnRejectBg |
btnRejectBgHover |
btnRejectTextColor |
btnRejectBorder |
btnInfoBg |
btnInfoBgHover |
btnInfoTextColor |
btnInfoBorder |
btnSettingsBg |
btnSettingsBgHover |
btnSettingsTextColor |
btnSettingsBorder |
btnSettingsAcceptBg |
btnSettingsAcceptBgHover |
btnSettingsAcceptTextColor |
btnSettingsAcceptBorder |
btnSettingsSelectBg |
btnSettingsSelectBgHover |
btnSettingsSelectTextColor |
btnSettingsSelectBorder |
btnDismissFontSize |
btnDismissFontWeight |
btnDismissRadius |
btnDismissBorder |
btnDismissPadding |
btnDismissBg |
btnDismissBgHover |
btnDismissTextColor |
Popup (settings/info window)
popupWidth |
popupBg |
popupRadius |
settingsTitleSize |
settingsTitleWidth |
settingsFontSize |
settingsSeparatorColor |
settingsCheckBoxSize |
popupTextColor |
btnCloseColor |
btnCloseColorHover |