Basic usage

Place the stylesheet links into the head before all other stylesheets to load the CSS.

<link href="cookiesconsent.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Place the script near the end of your pages, right before the closing body tag.

<script src="cookiesconsent.min.js"></script>

Call the function after your scripts and set the parameters.

const cc = CookiesConsentJS();

Initial state without parameters. Placed on the bottom left.

Adding a title, a personal message, a policy link and the cookies validity time.

const message_body = "<p>This website uses cookies. By accepting the message you will accept the cookies.</p>";

const cc = CookiesConsentJS({
    expirationDays: 365,
    content: {
        title: "This website is using Cookies!",
        message: message_body,
        policy: "Privacy Policy",
        policyLink: ""

Adding and customizing some basic buttons.

const cc = CookiesConsentJS({
    expirationDays: 365,
    buttons: ["reject", "accept", "dismiss"],
    content: {
        title: "This website is using Cookies!",
        message: "<p>By accepting the message you will accept the cookies.</p>",
        policy: "Privacy Policy",
        policyLink: "",
        btnAccept: "Accept all cookies",
        btnReject: "Reject all cookies",
        btnDismiss: "Show cookies message"

As we specified that we want the dismiss button, after accepting or rejecting the cookies consent, this button will be displayed on the page.

Adding all buttons.

const cc = CookiesConsentJS({
    expirationDays: 365,
    buttons: ["settings", "info", "reject", "accept", "dismiss"],
    content: {
        title: "This website is using Cookies!",
        message: "<p>By accepting the message you will accept the cookies.</p>",
        policy: "Privacy Policy",
        policyLink: "",
        btnAccept: "Accept",
        btnReject: "Reject all",
        btnDismiss: "Show cookies message",
        btnSettings: "Customize",
        btnInfo: "More info"

After adding settings and info buttons it is necessary to configure their own sections.